Closing Party at Urban Folk Art Gallery

Come and join me Saturday April 19 from 12-2pm to celebrate the closing of my show at Urban Folk Art Gallery. Featuring art, donuts, coffee, a print demonstration, and a special musical performance of old time string band music! The Spyder Stompers and Sister Sugar Pie are in town for the Brooklyn Folk Festival and have graciously agreed to play a quick set of some classic tunes. It’s going to be a fun-filled afternoon and I hope to see you there!

Closing Party 
Saturday, April 19 from 12-2pm
101 Smith Street, Brooklyn

The Spyder Stompers with Sister Sugar Pie
Jack DiAlesandro, Kevin T. Richards, and Ray Deforest perform traditional American music with Sister Sugar Pie (Sheela Das).Nearly 30 years ago, Jack DiAlesandro and Kevin T. Richards started performing traditional American music. Ray DeForest joined the group a decade ago. Jack is a finger style guitar master and works as a professor of Mathematics at Kent State. Kevin plays mandolin, fiddle, and various guitar styles and directs a non-profit organization called the Roots of American Music. Raymond is an acoustic bass genius who performs and teaches jazz, blues, and nearly any style of music. Sister Sugar Pie is a professional vocalist and instrumentalist who joins the band with her sweet vocals and ukulele finesse.