I’ll be participating in the grand opening of the Breukelen Coffee House, promises to be a huge party! Details below….
Spread Love, It’s the Brooklyn Way!
The Breukelen Coffee House proudly presents it’s first official art opening, complete with Brooklyn artists of all mediums and walks of life.
Jennifer Macchiarelli, photographer, will be showing her High Land Park series, can be found at www.jennylow.com
Sheena Hisiro, an illustrator/painter/sketch artist, will be showing a portion of her portrait series and can be found at http://oodlesofdoodles.tumblr.com/
Still more artists to come, so keep posted —
A Brooklyn-based DJ, will be spinning fly tunes, and a Brooklyn-based bartender will be slanging drinks for those who wish to partake in libations!
Apparently, there’s mad buzz about the press being there — namely TimeOut magazine. The Daily News has also contacted me, personally, twice for interviews about the show. So we’ll see what happens with all of that madness.. story developing…
In addition to the party and press — there will be an Independent documentary film crew there — taking footage for their docu on the 6 month progression of the Breukelen Coffee House starting this month and forward. So you can be a part of that, as well!
Check out — www.candicechettta.com — for more information on submission and location and events!